
paymail lives on the public web. As such, it is recommended that standard defensive mechanisms are deployed. These include, but are not limited to:

  • maintain access logs
  • prevent information leakage, including through error messages
  • do not keep sensitive information on internet-connected servers
  • place limits on everything, even if they are high
    • rate limits
    • maximum message size limits
    • bad request limits (leading to a ban)
      • malformed requests
      • suspicious requests
  • secure the host operating system and environment
  • operate under the principle of least privilege
  • do not trust any input to any API endpoint
    • assume all API calls are hostile until proven otherwise
    • sanitize everything
  • keep software/library/dependency versions up to date

There are additional concerns that are specific to the paymail service:

  • consider the meanings of request bodies
    • whilst it might be normal for an online retail store to receive a high volume of payment destination requests and pay to email posts, consider the amounts being paid. a valid transaction might not count towards some sort of ban limit, but maybe it should if the service receives thousands of dust transactions a second
    • infinite-loop payment destination requests might be valid but can lead to resource exhaustion, both CPU (during key derivation) and address space (individual Type 2 HD Wallet derivation paths, for example, are not infinite)
    • consider if the request is really probing for leaked information, rather than performing its intended function
  • consider risks to funds
    • use xpub or nChain public key derivation for payment destination discovery. do not keep wallet seeds or private keys in paymail services, as these are a gold mine waiting to be stolen by a malicious adversary

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